Sep 22, 2009

Tribes Vengeance PC Game

Tribes Vengeance is a computer game of the tribes video game series. This game was made by the Irrational games and was released by the Sierra Entertainment in October 2004. This game of Tribes Vengeance was built on the enhanced version of the Unreal Engine 2/2.5, which is called as irrational games called the Vengeance engine. Vengeance is played completely by the Single player.

Single Player Campaign
In the single player campaign five playable character (Victoria, Daniel, Julia, Mercury, Jericho) which are navigated by the player through 18 missions. The missions are set on the archaeological order set either in the Past (Victoria, Daniel, Julia, Mercury) or the Present (Julia, Jericho, Mercury).

There are three major factions of the game and two minor factions. As tribe game has taken place before any of the other tribal game has taken place such as Star Wolf, the Diamond Sword, and the BioDerm Hordes which were not displaying n the game.

The Imperials- Symbol: a golden Lion's head in profile
The evolution is founded by the Solomon Petresun which appears as a playable character for the first time in the Tribes series. The empire in the in the game is depicted as the prosperous and is relatively at peace within the borders in the game Tribes: Vengeance.

The Children of Phoenix- Symbol: a Human Skull with flames pouring from eye sockets
There are more or less victims in the political and the social status. There are having both the blood eagles and the imperials as the enemies and is restricted to the most desolate and uninhabitable planets which still support the life.

The Blood Eagles- Symbol: a wiry Eagle viewed from the front against a black background
This is shown as the antagonists in the game. Sometimes it is referred as the Beagles which is another tribe and is inhabit in the same planet as the Phoenix and receives the special treatment and the technology from the Imperials.

The Cybrids- Symbol: not known

Down the majority of Cybrid civilization in retaliation of the genocidal acts towards the humanity. Cybrids selects the infiltrate human society rather than a complete retreat from the galaxy.

The Alaxians
This is the most mysterious faction of the game. It is mentioned in the rare occasion which is unknown assasin that is being contracted by them.

The mutiplayer mode offers five different types of game and a diverse map location. Players are ranked during the matches by the points they acquire through the ordinary players or by the style points.
Arena - Rabbit
Ball - Capture the Flag
Download Tribe Vengeance

Sep 21, 2009

North East India Tribal Tours

India is the country which is having the variety in every way, as the country is having the largest concentration of tribal people from all over the world except Africa. India has the wide and rich Eco- system which gives the variety of tribes to grow and survive in the country. The north eastern part of the country is completely unexplored. The valley of north east India is having the green vegetation, majestic beauty of mountains, rich variety of flora and fauna.

Beauty of North East India:

There are many such states in North East India which showcases the beauty of north east India. Sikkim where the beauty resides in the orchids bloom on the hillside. Assam which is famous for its tea gardens, Arunachal Pradesh where is the first state in the country to welcome the morning sun, Tripura which explores the princely tradition of the country, Nagaland is the state which is famous for its tribal crafts and culture, Mizoram is the place to enjoy the exquisite bamboo and cane souvenirs, Manipur is the place that luxuriate the traditional dance, Meghalaya is the state that is situated in the picturesque view of the clouds.

Major Tribes of North East India:

The major part of tribes resides in the hilly and forested area of the state. Tribes are generally found in the areas which is away from the alluvial plains and the area which is near to the rivers. The native tribes of Arunachal Pradesh are the tribes that gratifies the heritage of art and crafts and entertaining folksongs. Arunachal Pradesh is the state which is having 26 major tribes and there are many sub tribes who are having their own language and cultural identities. Apatanis is the biggest tribal group of Arunachal Pradesh. Each tribe has its own folk songs and kaleidoscopic traditional dance and dressing style. There are 16 major tribes that are residing in the state of Nagaland. Each is having its own customs, language, dress, attires, jewelery, and head strings that are worn by them. The tribes that resides in Assam are Khamti, Phakial, Khamyang, Aitonia, Nara, Gurung and Shyam.

Tribal Tours:
Tribal Tour to Nagaland
Best Time to Visit: February
Celebrated by: Pochury Tribes
Venue: Phek, Nagaland in India
Duration: 10 Days

In the state Nagaland the most happening festival is Nazu festival which is celebrated by the Pochury tribe of the state. This is the festival that is celebrated for 10 days in the month of February before the sowing of seeds for the year. Songs and dances are also performed by the by the people of the Pochury Tribe during the occasion. Khupielilie dance is one of them performed by the women folk of the Pochury tribe.

Tribal Tour to Arunachal Pradesh:

There are around 20 major tribes and sub tribes in Arunachal Pradesh. All the tribes of the state has its own distinct lifestyle. All the tribes have their own occupation, customs, costumes and festivals. The name of tribes are:

Khambas and Membas
Buguns or Khowas
Hrusso or Akas

Tribal Tour to North East India:

Duration: 13 days/12 Nights

Travel Destinations:

Highlights: Museums, Emporiums, Local Markets, World War II cemetery, Hanging Bridge on the river Siang, Sela Lake and Kohima and Khonorma Village.


Visiting the villages of the North India and to know more about the culture lifestyle people
Shopping for the traditional art and craft items, musical item and the textile from Itanagar
Boating and Angling activity at Ganga Lake.
Sight Seeing activity in Dibrugarh.
Fish Cultivation and hand looms for designing and handicraft in Apatani Village.
The art of Haunting from the village of Along.
Wind Surfing and River Rafting at river Siang in Pasighat.
Enjoying the village cultural programs.

Jul 21, 2009

Maram Tribe, Manipur

Places like Senapati district, Tadubi and Kangpokpi region in Manipur are home to numerous tribes. Anthropologists from all around have studied the traits and features of the people of Maram tribal community.The Maram tribal people possess Mongoloid and Caucasoid features. Like other tribes of Manipur, the history of Maram tribes is also associated with numerous legends and mythologies.

Village & Dialect
The village of these tribes is divided into numerous 'Sadung' or 'Khel'. Each of these 'Khels' has a separate entrance. There are different dormitories for boys and girls. The dialect that Maram tribes used to speak is known as Maram Khullel. It is interesting to note that while all the other people of tribe speak the same tongue, the village Senapati uses a different one. Though the language used by the village Senapati is not completely different, it has a different mode of expression.

Men & Women
Males of the Maram tribe are usually engaged in farming. Another interesting aspect of the men is that they take care of most of household work including collection of water and firewood. Women of the tribe are only responsible for cooking and looking after the child. Women does, however, lend a hand in digging the fields so that men can sow and harvest.

Dresses & Costumes
Males of the Maram tribal community can be seen wearing black cotton skirt decorated with white cowries arranged in 3-4 rows. Women also wear an inner loin cloth, which resembles male dresses. White robe or shawls (more recently) are used by women to cover their bodies.

Festivals & Rituals
No tribe is devoid of customs, traditions and festivals. Maram tribes too have a number of festivals to celebrate. These include Ponghi, Kanghi and Rakakkou. Singing is a part and parcel of these tribal festivals in which both men and women participate. The tribe also celebrates a name-giving ritual. After 5-7 days of birth, the newly born is held in the direction of sun. Later, the father of the baby fetches a crab within 10 days. The head of the family gives their blessings. Some purification rituals follow and then the baby becomes an accepted and full fledged member of the family. It is ideal to fix marriages through negotiations.

Jul 17, 2009

Chiru Tribe, Manipur

The state of Manipur in north eastern India provides shelter a number of tribes and tribal communities. One of the popular Manipur tribes is the Chiru Tribe. Steeped in history and mythology, Chiru tribal community inhabit various districts of Manipur – Senapati, Tamenglong and Bishnupur. The word 'Chiru' means 'the seed of a plant'. In terms of lifestyle and culture, the Chiru tribe have some similarity with the Naga tribal community. Due their distinguished physical features, anyone can recognise the people belong to the Chiru tribal community.

Chirus have contributed to the Manipuri culture. These tribals have their own customs and traditions both in dance and musical recitals. Chiru tribes of Manipur follow unique living style patterns. In this tribal community, bachelors and unmarried women are provided with separate quarters. The people of the Chiru tribe actually have their connections with Kuki family tribal group.

Most of the people belonging to the Chiru tribes have adopted farming as their major profession. The rugged terrains of the mountains prove to be just perfect for doing shifting and wet farming. Chiru tribal community is also involved in the growth and trading of fruits like bananas, oranges, lemon and papaya. These fruits do not only serve their food requirements but also help them earn. In addition, the Chiru tribes of Manipur are also known to specialise in cottage industries. The tribe prepare a range of household products from cane.

People of the Chiru tribal community also display great craftsmanship in the field of weaving and carpentry. In a nutshell, Chiru tribe has greatly contributed in enriching the cultural ethnicity of whole of Manipur in northeastern India.

Jul 8, 2009

Lambani Tribe (Western India)

Lambanis lead a gypsy life and mainly inhabit the western Indian states including Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. A part of this tribal community is also found in the northern region of Karnataka. The Lambani tribe of India speak a language which is believed to have been originated in the state of Rajasthan. Earlier, Lambanis used to supply grains to armies. In the olden days, the Lambani people carried grain, salt, bamboos and firewood. The tribal community used oxen to carry heavier commodities.

Lambani tribal women
Women of Lambani tribes wear decorated clothes or fabrics. Jewellery is also an essential part of these tribal women's lifestyle. Women wear bone-made finger rings, bangles and bracelets. In addition, they adorn their hair with flowers and balls. These tribal women mostly wear thick aprons which are interwoven with cotton thread through needle work. The thick apron remains suspended from the west (downwards) while bodice makes up for the upper.

Lambani tribal men
A coarse turban forms the headgear of a Lamabani tribal man. Men of the Lambani tribes are mostly seen dressed up in tight breeches, which extend a few inches below the knee.

Lambani tribals keep travelling
People of Lambani tribes keep moving from place to place. Noticed usually in groups, people of this tribal community earn their daily bread by selling clothes at local markets and on beaches. When the Lambani tribe inhabited the forest region of the southern India, they were also referred to as the bee-keeping caste.

People of the Lambani tribal community worship Goddess Shakti.

Jul 5, 2009

Aimol Tribes of Manipur

Aimol tribes of India inhabit mainly in two districts of Manipur, one of the seven sister Northeastern states. Their population is distributed in most of the villages of Chandel and Churachandanpur districts. The name Aimol has been derived from a word which means roots. 'Ai' is a small ginger like plant which is found in the areas of 'Mol'. This area is located in the hills of Aizawl, the capital city of Mizoram.

Aimol tribes of Manipur live in their traditionally made houses of bamboo, wood and mud. The roof is made of thatch in a slanting style. Most of the Aimol families are nuclear and comprise parents and children. This tribal society generally follow monogamous and patriarchal system. Aimol tribes of Manipur mainly depend upon agriculture and allied activities. Their main agricultural products are paddy, maize, soyabean, pumpkin and chilly. Other than this, they also depend on livestock rearing and weaving to earn their livelihood. Buffalo, pig, ox and hen are some of the animals which they domesticate.

Most of the Aimol tribes of India have adopted Christianity. But before adopting Christianity around three decades ago, they used to believe in many spirits and deities. They used to worship several deities for several reasons like Sailing and Bonglei as the protector of their village and pregnant women used to worship Arkun Pathian, which is considered as the Goddess of fertility. Their dressing sense, cloths, living habits, traditions and beliefs have resemblance with Chothes tribe, who are their neighbours.

Population of Aimol tribes of India is about 2,500 in numbers and they speak Aimol language. Some of the Aimol tribes of Manipur have also settled down in Mizoram and Tripura.

Jul 2, 2009

Jarawa Tribes of Andaman

Jarawa is one of the tribal communities inhabiting in Andaman and Nicobar islands. It is believed that the ancestors of Jarawa tribes were part of the migrated people out of Africa. Jarawa tribes of Andaman still hunt pigs and monitor lizards with bows and arrows to make their livelihood. Jarawas also gather berries, seeds and honey from the forests. They mostly restrict themselves to their jungle dwellings but some of them have now started mingling with the people or nearby villages and towns.

The population of Jarawa tribes of Andaman is dwindling with the passage of time. Jarawas of Andaman islands are left with around 400 people in their community, at present. Most of the Jarawas died because of epidemic diseases like measles. Construction of roads inside their territory in forests became the greatest threat for their survival as many people started encroaching their lands. People from other parts of Andaman and Nicobar Islands have started inhabiting near to the areas where Jarawas live in their dwelling in the forests. Poaching of honey and other fruits like bananas the outsiders has also made a bad affect on their survival.

Jarawa tribes are inhabiting in South Andaman Islands and Western Coast of Middle Andaman Islands. Some of them still lead a nomadic life in forests. Most of them live in temporary huts built by woods and leaves found in the forests. Crude crafts are used by Jarawas to cross streams and creeks. Sometimes they also make attacks on intruders inside their territory.

These tribes speak Jarawa language but some of them who are getting in contact with other people have also picked up few Hindi words. As no prominent influence of any other languages of the region is seen in Jarawa language, it can be one of the reasons that these tribes remained secluded for a very long period.

Jul 1, 2009

Sammakka Saarakka Medaram Jatra : India's Largest Tribal Fair

The four day long Sammakka Saarakka Medaram Jatra is the largest tribal fair of India. It is celebrated once in two years at Medaram village in Warangal district of Andhra Pradesh. Medaram village is situated about 100 km away from Warangal city, amid dense jungles. Sammakka Saarakka Medaram Jatra attracts millions of tribals from different states of India like Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Chhatisgarh.

The festival is celebrated in the Magha month, as per the Hindi calendar, on the full moon day. Sarakka goddess, in the form of vermilion, is brought from the neighbouring village Kanneboyinapalle and placed on the platform made under a tree. The main Goddess, Sammakka, is also brought from a nearby village Chilukalagutta in a great procession. According to a legend Sammakka and Saarakka were Koya women warriors who were killed by the army while fighting against Pratapa Rudra.

Sammakka Saarakka Jatra is also known by the name of tribal Kumbh Mela and all the tribes gathered here take dip in the Jampanna Vagu, a small rivulet, to get purified and absolve from sins. After that devotees pay their obeisance and worship Goddesses Sarakka and Sammakka with the belief that they will bring prosperity and happiness in their lives with miraculous and divine powers. Girls offer prayers to the Goddesses for good life partners and couples to bless them with children.

Tribes have a ritual of weighing themselves against Jaggery and after that it is offered to the Goddess. Apart from this they also sacrifice thousands of goats and cocks on the name of deities as per the rituals and beliefs. Devotees dressed in beautiful attires sing hymns in praise of their deities.

The sanctum sanctorum of Jatara site, Gaddelu, is thronged by devotees to the fullest. A number of temporary dwellings also spring up to accommodate the devotees from far away places.

Jun 28, 2009

Losar Festival in India

Losar is a Tibetan festival but it is also celebrated in the regions located near to Tibet's boundary which are normally habitated by tribal population or the regions where Tibetans have settled in India. Losar means new year in Tibetan and is celebrated to welcome the new year. Though celebrations carry on for fifteen days in Tibet but in India it is celebrated for three days. Losar is celebrated in the months of December-January as per the lunar calendar.

In India, Losar is celebrated with full pomp and show in various states with tribal and Tibetan population like Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh. In Himachal Pradesh it is celebrated in Kinnaur, Lahaul Spiti and Kangra. In Arunachal Pradesh, Losar is celebrated in Tawang, Memba and Mechukha valley by Monpa tribes.

Losar is celebrated by offering prayers in various beautiful monasteries by localites to wish for the good luck in the approaching year. On the very first day of the Losar festival, 'Changkol' a beverage made of 'Chhang' (a kind of Beer) is made and enjoyed by the folks. Second day of the Losar festival is known as 'Gyalpo Losar' or King's Losar, which is specially reserved for secular gatherings and exchanging of greetings. It is from the third day when the monks and localites start enjoying the festive season by participating in Deer dance, folk music and merry making.

Special preparations are made to celebrate Losar by painting of houses, decorating homes by flour paintings of Sun and Moon, and illuminating houses by earthen lamps during the nights. Losar festival in Sikkim begins one month in advance than that celebrated by Buddhists and Tibetans in other places.

During Losar, folks enjoy various kinds of special cuisines. It is the time for Buddhists to ensure stopping of bad omens from carrying into the new year. Losar is also celebrated in various parts of Nepal and Bhutan.

Jun 23, 2009

Bhunda Festival in Himachal Pradesh

Fairs and festivals have always been a part of the life of tribes in India. One of the such festivals is Bhunda festival, which is celebrated in Nirmand region of Himachal Pradesh. Nirmand is located at a distance of around 150 km from Shimla and 17 km from Rampur. Famous by the name of Bhund Narmedh (Human Sacrifice) mahayajna, Bhunda is celebrated every after 12 years. This festival mainly revolves around Beda tribes of Himachal Pradesh, who have a major role to play in the whole Bhunda ceremony.

Bhunda festival in Himachal Pradesh is performed believing that it will make local deity happy and He will shower prosperity and goodwill on the villagers. The main hero of the festival, a man from Beda tribe who is designated to perform the ritual, starts taking meal once in a day when only one month is left for the festival. He starts weaving the sacred rope by collecting the 'Munji' grass, on which he is going to slide on the day of the tribal ceremony, which is generally around 500 meters in length.

On the final day of the tribal Bhunda festival all the local deities are invited to the place of event where priests and a large number of audience gather to witness the traditional Bhunda celebration. The Beda man takes bath, wears a white dress (kafan) and worship the local deity after which he is accompanied to the site of the event with drum beats. The sacred rope weaved by the Beda is tied to a high point on a hill at one side and at another side it is tied to a point across a ravine deepdown on the ground. The Beda then sits on a wooden sliding saddle tied to the rope with his hands pointing upwards and slides down the ropeway, where his wife sits like a widow. If the man is able to survive and perform the event successfully, he and his family become rich as they are bestowed with huge amount of money and jewelery from the temple fund and is carried to the temple on a palanquin where hundreds of goats are sacrificed by the villagers in the name of local deity. But if the man is not able to survive, then his family is taken care off by the villagers.

Nowadays, special precautions are taken by the local authorities during Bhunda festival like tying of sand bags on both the legs of the Beda man sliding down the rope so as to maintain the balance and putting of nets and mattresses below the rope to avoid any unusual happening.

Thousands of visitors from various parts of Himachal Pradesh and other parts of the country including tribal regions witness this three days long Bhunda festival ceremony. Though for localites it is an usual affair but for the visitors from outside, it is nothing less than an event where a human being is forced knowingly into the mouth of death.

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