Oct 12, 2008

Books on Tribes of India- Part Two

As I told you earlier that ' Tribes of India' is a deep subject. Weather you study Indian tribe books or travel to places to explore these tribes of India, you need knowledge. This, as I promised is second of many series of information I would be providing you the Indian tribal books. These books on tribes of India will enlighten you with the much needed insights of various Indian tribes.

1. Standing at the margins: Representation and Electoral Reservations in India- by, Alistar Mcmillan.
This Indian tribe book is a deep study of the status of Indian tribes in the parliament and legislature of India.

2. Identity, Gender and Poverty: New perspectives on castes and tribes in Rajasthan- by, Maya Unnithan Kumar.
This is a very contrasting Indian tribe book. It is based on a personal research done on the poor "tribal" community, the Girasia, in northwestern India. The conclusions drawn and the perspectives thoughts are a must read.

3 Tribal Development in India: The contemporary Debate- by, Govinda Chandra Rath(Editor also)
The thirteen seminal essays in this volume pinpoint the failure of the welfare system to narrow the gap between Indian tribes with rest of India in all spheres of life.


  1. i think in turning the things upside down should be the chief motto of every human beings and only then tribes can be treated under mainstream, he should be given more and more opportunities to come in front for the advancement of indian countries. we should respect their feelings never consider them inferior but they are superior one who uptil now has preserved their culture from being rotten
