Feb 5, 2009

Calculating Tribal Life with Cultural Style

Nature unfolds scenic beauty and so do different cultures,of which the most exciting study comes in with tribal contents ;their culture and lifestyle. The group constitute a mere percentage of 8.08% of the total Indian population and often quoted as old settlers with variability in languages. Tribal people,popularly called Adivasi spends a simple yet meaningful livelihood,thereby maintaining their primitive culture as well as filling their breadbasket.

Treasuring old culture: Both tribal men and women plays a vital role in preserving cultural dictionary. Traditional stones, beads,birds quills and off-course shawls are a must-have attires in their wardrobe. Were man believes in farming ,women take active part in weaving traditional shawls and knitting sweaters for their dear ones. The most common farming technique lies in Jhum cultivation(cutting well-grown corns following with burning the land to increase its fertility);a primitive agricultural style. Men sweats out their whole day with cultivation whereas women are home-makers,engaging themselves to caring their family. Other then cooking their daily food staff at times they make their favorite local drinks and pickles (eg:'pithamadhu','akhoni') so as to sweep away their exhausted life with its typical taste.

Merging culture with profession: Although tribal society has turned modernized with new professional themes. The very remote tribal areas are not left with practicing cultural ways of earning their livelihood. In addition to farming,they are expert in hunting wild animals and hand-crafting wooden articles. The north eastern region of India is rich in tribal scenery and the best way to grab this interesting fact lies in your own personal visit.


  1. Most of information show about Indian Culture.
    Here a Look: http://www.swostipremium.com/tour-packages/tribal-tour/
