Mar 19, 2009

Tagin Tribe of Arunachal Pradesh.

'The land of rising Sun', Arunachal Pradesh is among the popular tribal location in India. It is positioned in the northeastern part of India and covers an area of 83, 743 sq. km. The state holds about 63% tribal groups, of which each tribes are known for its unique culture and belief. One notable tribe is the Tagins residing in the Subansiri District of Arunachal Pradesh. Speaking of the sub-division of this tribe, the 'Tagin-Moya' and 'Mayu' inhabits the upper valley of Subansiri river and the valleys of its tributaries, while the 'Mara' and 'Na' sub-groups dominates the Limeking and Taksing Circle, which lie close to Tibet.

The hilly land of Arunachal Pradesh is dotted with the myths and beliefs of Tagin society. The people here are known for their independent style of living. Despite of the following the law and order of Indian Panel Court, this tribal group organize their own legal institution and look after the welfare of the tribal folk and activities.

They wrap themselves in a single piece of cloth and believe to cure their diseases with traditional medicines made of fruits, plant stem and wild leaves. A surprising fact lies in their type of Wedding ceremony. Marriages are patri-local and polygamy is well-practiced in the society. One of the person sings a tribal folk-song and symbolically demand bride-price from the Groom. A certain amount is fixed in exchange of the bride and a receipt of the due items are is prepared in the name of God.


  1. Your pic complements your writing..

  2. nice..good but some words are misnomered.. people leaving in limeking are not mara,its mra "MRA"...Mara is in taliha circle.

  3. nice but I don't think that picture posted here are belong from our (TAGIN)tribe. so i am grateful if concern person change this photo.

  4. To certain extent the description is correct but 80% is wrong, not much of polygamy now, picture is absuletely not related to our tribe, time has brought a change,

  5. the picture you have used is not correct put the acctual one rest evry thng is true

  6. could be more better if you add some real tribe picture.......but upto my concern it is good job........please change the photo dat u have posted...

  7. Tagins are very receptive and are known for their hospitality especially those living in upper reaches of subansiri valley i.e. from limeking to taksing. life is tough out there but their attitude is good. we from mainland India should go only as a equal and not with a big brotherly attitude.
