Jul 5, 2009

Aimol Tribes of Manipur

Aimol tribes of India inhabit mainly in two districts of Manipur, one of the seven sister Northeastern states. Their population is distributed in most of the villages of Chandel and Churachandanpur districts. The name Aimol has been derived from a word which means roots. 'Ai' is a small ginger like plant which is found in the areas of 'Mol'. This area is located in the hills of Aizawl, the capital city of Mizoram.

Aimol tribes of Manipur live in their traditionally made houses of bamboo, wood and mud. The roof is made of thatch in a slanting style. Most of the Aimol families are nuclear and comprise parents and children. This tribal society generally follow monogamous and patriarchal system. Aimol tribes of Manipur mainly depend upon agriculture and allied activities. Their main agricultural products are paddy, maize, soyabean, pumpkin and chilly. Other than this, they also depend on livestock rearing and weaving to earn their livelihood. Buffalo, pig, ox and hen are some of the animals which they domesticate.

Most of the Aimol tribes of India have adopted Christianity. But before adopting Christianity around three decades ago, they used to believe in many spirits and deities. They used to worship several deities for several reasons like Sailing and Bonglei as the protector of their village and pregnant women used to worship Arkun Pathian, which is considered as the Goddess of fertility. Their dressing sense, cloths, living habits, traditions and beliefs have resemblance with Chothes tribe, who are their neighbours.

Population of Aimol tribes of India is about 2,500 in numbers and they speak Aimol language. Some of the Aimol tribes of Manipur have also settled down in Mizoram and Tripura.


  1. I doubt if the leterL TRANSLATION OF "Aimol".."Ai" as root and "mol" as the place name is correct. Please clarify it since you are refering to a community group. I am willing to help you if you seriously wish to find more about this community. I can provide you proper assistance and access for deeper information.

  2. In fact, I will appreciate if you can add more informations about my community. So, I can forward you for greater assistance from the community.

  3. i think you can add more information about this tribal group

  4. Thanks for the info.
    @Sailo, to me, a non-native speaker of Aimol, but an etymologist of sort, the translation seems completely agreeable. I could be wrong.
    Would love it if any Aimol speakers get in touch with me for discussions on the subject, ie, the language. Get to me: alivehere@rediffmail.com

  5. Great blog!
    The information has always been up to date and interesting to read.

  6. This blog represents the true culture of India. Beautiful description.

  7. current population of Aimol in India in 2012?

    can i get answer fast as possible ???


    who has given the answer of this question.For them i thank a lot :-)





  9. Aimol people
    The people of "Aimol" are settled in different regions in different districts of Manipur and some in Assam and Nagaland. Some people live in Senapati district and some are in Churachandpur district. Most of them are found in Chandel in the South-eastern part of Manipur. The Aimol Tribe was recognized by the Ministry of Home affairs, Govt. of India on 29/10/1956. They are neither kuki nor Naga Tribes of Manipur.there are nine villages of Aimol.
    It is difficult to trace the very origin of the people. Here are some traditions which relates to the origin of the people which has been sang in the form of folklores and told as folktales to their children by their parents from generation to generation.
    I. A Cave: The people came out of a big cave. So they considered themselves as cavemen and cavewoman. According to the tradition, many people of this tribe were lived inside a cave and whoever came out of the cave for hunting or for searching for food, got killed by a tiger that laid in wait at the mouth of the cave. Thus the tiger killed many persons of this community. The population of this tribe was alarmingly decreased. At last, a very brave woman began to ponder and wove a cloth of the same colour of that tiger. A very brave man of the cavemen wore the so woven cloth by the woman and the man came out of the cave. The tiger took for a tigress and did not attack upon the man. So the man killed the tiger with his spear and sword. Thus the people could come out of the cave and began to sojourn to some safer places. The woman who could weave such a very beautiful clothes was widely known. The traditional cloth of the colour of that tiger is called “Ponchial” which is still considered as one of the precious and valuable gift of a bride of Aimol and she presents this traditional shawl to her father in law in a marriage ceremony of a son.
    Roung leh Waisua: According to this tradition, the people came from Roung leh waisua. The meaning of ‘roung’ is a deep gorge or valley situated between two hills or mountains and ‘Waisua’ means a river. The people came along the river which was a sepantile and full of dangerous snakes and animals. They followed the river toward north in the hope of getting a better settlement. It is believed that the sun was appeared from the southern side of the place – ruong leh waisua. Upon the consequence of this tradition, they believed that they came from the south.
    Raim leh waisua: The meaning of Riam is tribals and Waisua means the crowd. According to this traditional view that the people had lived in a group of tribals or people. It has been said that this people could no longer live among such group of people. So they came out of this place towards north in the expectation of discovering a better and favourable place for their inhabitation. They had marked on a tree locally known as mook and planted plantain wherever they went and sojourned. They told the people who were left in the group of the people to identify the earmark marked on the mook tree (mook kung) and the plantain planted to follow them. It is believed that the Aimol people lived at a place known as Khokhengjol and khodamjo and later moved to Rungrelbung.
    The term ‘Aimol’ or Aimawl means a talisman or spells of magic chanted to causes a black magic or causes an effect upon the person who is wanted by the owner of talismans. The term ‘Aimol or aimawl’ is like a black ginger or a group such gingers and ‘Mol or mawl’ means a plain or a valley on a top of a hill or a mountain. The other meaning of 'Ai' is crab and 'mual' is valley. It is also said that the people were well known for their ‘doi’ (magic) and even the Meitei King was afraid of their doi and invited a man for his doi. Therefore, Ai was grown wherever they lived as this was paramount important things for their rituals. The then the king of Manipur

  10. The kings of Manipur were quite familiar with the Aimol people.
    They speak the Aimol language which is a Tibeto-Burman, Kuki-Chin language. The Aimol number about 6,500. They practice slash and burn agriculture and are primarily Christian.

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  12. According to my own knowledge..Aimol/Aimuol tribes referred to here are always included among the Hmar clans if we go through any Hmar history books... Ruong le waisua..written and traced by the aimols as their origin may be Ruong le vaisuo to the Hmars.since Ruong le vaisuo is a place where so many tribes which have a distinct dialect and as a whole Hmars once lived after the hmars moved out from mizoram. From there on they moved out to different states like manipur,meghalaya,tripura,assam. Some groups called themselves by their clan names forgetting the Hmar nomenclature and the british raj and the bengalis called them as kukis

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