Jul 8, 2009

Lambani Tribe (Western India)

Lambanis lead a gypsy life and mainly inhabit the western Indian states including Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. A part of this tribal community is also found in the northern region of Karnataka. The Lambani tribe of India speak a language which is believed to have been originated in the state of Rajasthan. Earlier, Lambanis used to supply grains to armies. In the olden days, the Lambani people carried grain, salt, bamboos and firewood. The tribal community used oxen to carry heavier commodities.

Lambani tribal women
Women of Lambani tribes wear decorated clothes or fabrics. Jewellery is also an essential part of these tribal women's lifestyle. Women wear bone-made finger rings, bangles and bracelets. In addition, they adorn their hair with flowers and balls. These tribal women mostly wear thick aprons which are interwoven with cotton thread through needle work. The thick apron remains suspended from the west (downwards) while bodice makes up for the upper.

Lambani tribal men
A coarse turban forms the headgear of a Lamabani tribal man. Men of the Lambani tribes are mostly seen dressed up in tight breeches, which extend a few inches below the knee.

Lambani tribals keep travelling
People of Lambani tribes keep moving from place to place. Noticed usually in groups, people of this tribal community earn their daily bread by selling clothes at local markets and on beaches. When the Lambani tribe inhabited the forest region of the southern India, they were also referred to as the bee-keeping caste.

People of the Lambani tribal community worship Goddess Shakti.


  1. dear sir/madam
    i am a sugeon from this community.
    we never bee hive seeker nor we believe in shakthi.we believe only in our god Sevalal the living legend unmarried person. he is also called as Sevabhaya. it literaly means a son who does SEVA means help. for further detail you can please contact me at doc_shekar@yahoo.com or u can just call me at +919844959598

  2. Escuse me!! M an engg student of this great community. V aren't gypsys or tribal people as such, v r the true patriots of the nation , the kshatriyas, the true warriors originated from the state of rajastan. Resisting the invansion of the mughal rulers, and receiving no support from the native kingdoms v were defeated n forced to change the religion, unlike other caste people v never surrendered v left our major property n travelled south and placed on to banjara hills initially and then spreaded to the other parts later on. We tried to leave back to the rajastan but our property was occupied by the fellow rulers who gave up during the moghal invansion. Today v r treated as tribes, the nomadics. Hats off to the selfish people of india who failed to understand our sacrifice treated us badly. V still love n die for the place v live in. V believe in god sevalal- the lord of love n help. Jai hind

  3. HI Iam Manohar i totally agree with bro chetan.iam very proud dat iam goaar.we are funloving and hardworking people.there is a big confusion in some peoples mind they call us gypsy dat is not entirely correct. we hav our own rich culture which is colourfull and better dan some of the communities.at last i want to say WE GOAARS ROCK JAI HIND

  4. i am mohan from this community,our community worships Devi(Shakthi,jagadamba,talaja-kankali).so it is right tosay that we lambanis are worshipping godess.in dasara we worshiped maa durga. here our friend discussed about sant Sevalal is only a saint/sant he is not God.
    we also worshipped lord krishna,celebrating holy,deewali,teejh r shows d relations of rajasthan culcture.

  5. We r real worriers who fought for selfrespect ,,we r de real men with gutts to fight in wars ,,we have dat in blood ,,

  6. the word gypsy never matchs to our culture we r most powerful and daringful and we belive oly in lord sevalal and durgadevi kkkkkkkkk any infrm contact me at 7204595480

  7. dear sir/medam the word gypsy not suitable and our lord not shaktidev oly sevalal and durgadevi ant above word not correctly wwe are powerful and daringful kkkkk any infrm cont me at dreamindia351 or my no7204595480




  9. Great Informative blog.. Now a days pollution is very big problem for human health... So we need waste management services and environmental services for good human health and keep clean the environment.

  10. It is sorry to note your comment regarding our people are wandering from place. May it was about 60-70 years back now our people permanent settlers in TANDAS, a few will migrate to other places in search of work, which is not confined to our community alone.

  11. HI Everyone ! I read few things on Lambani community ,..some say that the origin of this community is from Romania or Afhganistan who settled in Rajasthan and worked in Indian Army as soldiers.Later they were given the job of transporting essential commodity during the wars.So far things have changed .Rulers have changed .The society has changed.Please dont feel offended about your history.It is not you.Ultimately , it is you who matters to you ...I am Brahmin by birth .I am not ashamed of the fact that many of my ancestors must have exploited the other caste .Nor I am proud that many Rishi Muni who brought about reforms were my ancestors.Just be yourself .Enjoy reading history and make plans for future.Currently we are trying to help some children from the community to learn yoga. So we try to find God in everyone and uplift ourself.Take care.

  12. Hello reader. I am fortunate; I lived with these people for 5 years when I was a graduate student. I was fluent in speaking their language.

    Very fun loving people. Rich cultured. Very loving and they highly respect others. Their surname mostly Naik. There are other Surnames’ too but this is most famous. In general you can call any Lambani male as Naik and they like it. Naik means Leader, may be this is because they were leaders earlier in their good times.

    They are no more nomadic, they are well settled now. They are in high positions like for example District Commissioner (DC), army officers, high Ranking Police officers....etc. They are in politics too.

    They celebrate Theej (Festival) with great respect to Sevalal in whom they believe in. Very fond of non veg. They call it BOTI (non veg). Bhati (Roti) and boti are matchless combination. And I must say they are very fond of liquor too.

    Very - very hard working people. We cannot compare ourselves with them when it comes to physical work. I have seen them working in the fields from early morning before sun rise to sun set.

    Very friendly, brave and loving people. We say they are gypsy but if you be with them one can understand how civilized they are.

    Thank you Naiks.
    robert_y2k70@yahoo.com/ +965 662 662 95

  13. U r providing wrong history abt our community, shame on you.

  14. U r providing wrong history abt our community, shame on you.

  15. I love the way lambani women dress up. They look beautiful with their unique jewelry. I have bought their coin jewelry and really cherish it. They are great people. Very colorful and smiling.

  16. Hey. I am thinking about coming to this community to look for drum and rhythm musicians so I can study and report back to my University in the United Kingdom. Does anyone have any suggestions or dieas on who I can contact or have any information?

    Thank you in advance,
    Lee G

  17. Banjara is a great community..

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